About Flanstein

Friday, December 23, 2005

A young muslim asked me a question on another blog about myself and my motivation. Here is the question and my best attempt at a coherent answer...

". . .im asking not out of disrespect, but just because i want to know. why do you spend so much time writing mean and hateful things on Muslim blogs? what do you hope to accomplish? what is your personal experience with "Islam" that makes you so angry at Muslims specificaly? do you practice a particular relgion or spiritual system? where do you believe you will go when you die? please let me know. can you give me a direct honest answer please? these are just questions, not a challenge. my intentions are pure

i also would also like to know how you feel about black and latino people in general"

My values and standards are based on freedom - from and of - religion. Whether you're a Mormon or a Scientologist makes no difference to me - as long as you don't want to convert or kill me of course. I am an agnostic and when I die, I expect to go to the place from whence I came – nothingness. I am not angry at muslims – I am angry at islam for turning this flawed and imperfect world into a darker, less secure and more violent place.

I think it’s important that muslims know how many of us feel towards their religion. Islam, as Muslims love to point out to us, is not really a religion but 'a whole way of life' from the state apparatus down to the individual defecating at home. Islam as a 'whole way of life', as a political, social and economic ideology has proven time and again that it is an utter failure, producing corrupt dictatorial regimes, grinding poverty, illiteracy and intellectual backwardness, misogyny, hatred of the Other, debilitating fatalism, dysfunctional individuals, institutionalized hypocrisy and nihilistic terrorists. THIS is Islam.

Up until 9/11, I was essentially ignorant about islam, aside from knowing it was one of the monotheistic religions, I had some peripheral understanding about customs (I knew not to offer to shake the hand of devout muslim women, nor to offer muslims alcohol or pork during social occasions) aside from this pathetic spoonful of knowledge - that was about it. I assumed that muslims were essentially like me, interested in building their family, career and nation. It wasn’t until I started reading about islam did I find out the frightening truth.

It is not an act of hatred against Muslims to point out the depredations of jihad ideology. I believe in the equality of rights and dignity of all people, and that is why I oppose the global jihad. I simply hold up to the light the appalling things muslims say and do about non-muslims and the equally appalling things that are written in the Koran and hadiths that muslims quote as they kill innocent people. That you find the facts of your religion to be “mean and hateful” speaks volumes about it – not me.

"i also would also like to know how you feel about black and latino people in general"

Since I come from a mixed race family myself, I feel the same about black and latino people as I do about everyone else – why?

Finally, Flanstein is obviously not my real name. It has been my experience that muslims kill infidels who dare question their "religion", hence my hesitation for offering anything more about myself than absolutely necessary.

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