What do muslims want? World domination of course..

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Even moderates muslims long for the Khalifah(islamic government) to be imposed around the world and the black flag of islam to fly over western buildings.

Read the entire stinking document here:


The Khalifa of the Muslim ummah must strive to:

Safeguard Islam in its original form, and to protect against the introduction of new things (bid'a) into Islam.

Establish justice (including punishments for crimes) among the people.

Ensure the protection of the ummah. People within the boundaries of the Muslim state (regardless of whether they are Muslims or not) should feel secure enough to be productive.

Protect the physical boundaries of the state through the use of arms and other methods.

Defend the rights of Muslims abroad, and to see to it that Islam can spread freely in non-Muslim lands (including the use of force).

Organize jihad against any non-Muslim government which prevents Muslim da'wah from entering its land.
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