Do muslims learn to hate Jews in the womb?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Whenever you come across muslims in their natural habitat (even here in North America) you can be guaranteed of one thing; sooner or later their Jew-hatred comes to the surface. On a Blog run by a so-called moderate muslim called Jamal ( he posted an article about some pakistani takeoff on Star Wars. Here's what he said:

"The link is on my friend Asim’s site, since the movie was his brainchild, and also cuz I am a Jew about my bandwidth usage on my website’s server."

I pointed out that this sort of comment was outright bigotry. Another "moderate" muslim called Haseeb had some advice for me:

"It’s funny how jews run the entire world and they still complain about it. They go on and on about how people are anti-semitic and whatnot, while they’re the ones who call all the political and economical shots. So flanstein, the next time you want to bitch about someone saying “I’m a jew about my bandwith,” shut up and think about what jews have instead of getting all butt-hurt about it. Now go watch schindler’s list and all those other jewish sympathy movies while sucking a lemon through a douche bag, you douche bag."

Brought to you by the folks from Islam, the religion of peace...

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