islamic Gunman kills Dutch film director

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

What is the fate of kafir who dare criticise islam - even in the west? Increasingly it is death. The question remains, can islam exist within a civilized country? Van Gogh, who was regarded as a blasphemer by muslims, has now received the blasphemer's penalty. Death. Because of a film.

Religion of peace?

From the BBC:

Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, who made a controversial film about Islamic culture, has been stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam, Dutch police say.

Police arrested a man in a nearby park after an exchange of gunfire. The man, aged 26, had joint Dutch and Moroccan nationality, they said.

Van Gogh, 47, had received death threats after his film Submission was shown on Dutch TV.
It portrayed violence against women in Islamic societies.
The film was made with liberal Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali refugee who fled an arranged marriage and had renounced Islam.

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