Tuesday, October 11, 2005

An interesting list from Jihad watch...

1. Justification of any Islamic Terrorism, Palestinian or otherwise

2. Keeping quiet, or refusing to condemn Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Hamas, or other terrorists or organizations

3. Promoting jihad for Muslims to fight against what they determine is "injustice" or "aggression"

4. Demands for Sharia law in the West, or denying that Sharia forbids equal rights for women

5. Demanding that Americans accommodate Islamic customs and practices, under American Pluralism, even when they conflict with American customs and practices

6. Denying that Muslims were involved in the terrorist attacks of 9/11

7. Charges or complaints of Muslims being unfairly targeted in the War On Terror

8. An unwillingness to discuss the actual contents of the Qur'an, including what the authoritative Muslim commnentators believe to be the meaning of certain passages, and the principle of interpretation known as naskh, or abrogation, and its significance for Infidels in understanding what Muslims make of the Qur'an.

9. A reluctance to discuss the contents of the Hadith, or the so-called "authentic Hadith"-- those that are categorized as such by the most authoritative muhaditthin, such as as al-Buhkari and Muslim.

10. An unwillingness to discuss the ways in which many Muslims refuse to fully divulge, and instead seem intent in dissembling, about the teachings of Islam.

11. An unwilliness to discuss the history of Jihad-conquest, as studied not by apologists for Islam, both Muslim and non-Muslim, but by the leading Westen scholars, a representative sampling of whose work can be found in the just-published "The Legacy of Jihad" by Andrew Bostom.

12. An unwillingness to discuss "reform" of Islam in any but the most general terms, without explaining precisely what such "reform" would necessarily entail, and how such "reform" would be convincingly presented, with scriptural authority within the canonical texts of Islam itself, so that it might be accepted by a billion Believers.

13. An unwillingness to discuss the relation of the tenets of Islam to the failure, despite the vast unearned riches that oil revenues have supplied ($10 trillion and counting), of Arab and Muslim states to create modern economies, or prosperity outside of a few small Gulf sheikhdoms, and within Saudi Arabia, for a distinct class consisting of the ruling family, its courtiers, and those who support the regime. In particular, how does inshallah-fatalism lead to a paralysis of entrepreneurial activity and to the attitudes necessary for sustained and productive labor, as opposed to whiling away the hours either in political activities, or the coffee-house lassitude and jabber, before a television set turned to some propaganda network, while cards are played, hubble-bubble pipes smoked, and yet another afternoon is while d away, and the locals and government officials both demand more aid from the Infidels because they essentially "owe it to us."

14. A total unwillingness to discuss the figure not of the historical Muhammad, but of Muhammad as he is presented in the Sira (the sacralized biography), where he is shown as condoning mass murder of helpless prisoners, approving of the political assassination of those (a woman and an aged man among them) whom he regarded as guilty of having mocked, or refused to accept him with the right attitude of submissive adoration), attacking an inoffensive Jewish tribe in order to seize their women and to obtain whatever loot could be distributed, and who coveted when she ws 6 years old, and married when she was 9, little Aisha -- a matter that reverberates today, for virtually Khomeini's first act was to lower the marriageable age of girls in the Islamic Republic of Iran to nine).

15. An unwillingness to discuss how the tenets of Islam, the attitudes within Islam that demand loyalty to the ruler as long as he is a Muslim, and that dismiss the worth of any sysem that would set up the consent of the governed -- i.e. mere mortals -- above the Holy Law of Islam, as derived from the holy books of Islam (Qur'an and Hadith, and the Example of Muhammad, uswa hasana, as set down in the Sira), which for a Believer is unacceptable.

16. An unwillingness to discuss how the attitudes toward women, attitudes that result in what most of us recognize as instititutionalized mistreatment, might be one of the reasons for the political, econonomic, and social backwardness that is to be found all over the Muslim lands, and precisely to the extent that they adhere more closely to Islam in their legal and social systems. Saudi Arabia, Iran, the Sudan, and Pakistan are among the worst offenders; Tunisia and Turkey, and the quite considerably de-islamized stans of Central Asia, among the best.

17. An unwillngness to discuss how it is that "moderate" Muslims at times, and for reasons completely beneath any Infidel's radar, into quite "immoderate" Muslims. The man who seems completely integrated, earning a small fortune as an Intel engineer, with three chidlren and an American wife, and who nonethelss after 9/11 gives it all up to travel to western China in the hopes of getting into Afghanistan to fight, against his fellow Americans, on behalf of the Taliban and its ally Al Qaeda (the example of "Mike" Hawash) is hardly the only one.

18. An unwillingness to study, to analyze, to admit to, and to figure out what can be done about, the Muslim doctrine as enshrined in the Qur'an, and elaborated up[on in the Hadith, and demonstrated in the life of Muhammad, the Muslim attitude toward non-Muslims. What can be done, within Islam itself, to change the basic manichean division of the world between Believer and Infidel? If a Muslim denies such a division, then he is not a "moderate" but someone who is intent on keeping Infidels in the dark about the that aspect of Islam which, for those Infidels, is the most important. Any Muslim who pretends that the institution of the dhimmi did not exist, or as Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Turkish historian who is currently the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Countries, would have us believe, was not bad but in fact almost a privilege kindly offered to a select group of non-Muslims -- the Ahl al-kitab -- as "protected peoples" (a highly misleading phrase, as if Al Capone were to refer to the owners of restaurants and liquor stores his men shook down as "protected people"), is not a true "moderate" but one more so-called "moderate" engaged in continued deceptioni.

19. An unwillingness to discuss the full extent of the disabilities imposed on non-Muslims who, as dhimmis, were allowed to live and even to practice their religion, but under circumstances so painful, so financiallly burdensome, and so socially and politicallly limiting, and at times so physically insecure, that over time a great many of those dhimmis, even aside from the intermittent spasms of forced conversion that would be ordered by a ruler (e.g. Shah Abbas in Persia), would in order to avoid continuing to endure that status of dhimmi would convert to Islam.

20. An unwillingness to discuss the role of Arab supremacist ideology within Islam, a presumably universalist belief system. The requirement that the Qur'an ideally be read in Arabic, that non-Arab speakers (such as those poor boys in Pakistan) devote much of their young lives in madrasas to memorizing a text they cannot possibly grasp in a language they do not know, the desirability of taking Arab names as part of islamization, the necessity of bowing five times a day in the direction of Arabia, the setting up as a Model for Mankind of a seventh-century denizen of Arabia and, secondarily as models, his companions, the often-comical false Arab lines of descent that non-Arabs assume, the cultural and linguistic and political imperialism that is part of what Muslim Arabs have inflicted on others, from the Kurds and the Berbers, to the black Muslims in Darfur, to the Afghans treated with such contempt by the local Al-Qaeda Arabs, to the non-Arabs of Pakistan and Indonesia who are encouraged to forget, or to regard with hostility, thepre-Islamic or non-Islamic parts of their own countries and civilizations, for nothing must exist but Islam, and islamization necessarily has carried with it the seeds, and more, of arabization.

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