The mind of a muslim

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I have recently been conversing with a few muslim women about what I believe to be the innate hatred of women in the koran, and the general level of disrespect that islam has for women. The response to me below was originally posted on an islamic blog. It's sad, funny, pathetic and frightening - all at the same time. It shows how little muslims from arab nations understand those of us in the west and what sort of propoganda they are fed by their state-run media. My comments in italics:

This comment is in response to your comments here and to your post about "Islam hates women".

Islam does not order anything about beating women for wearing hijab. Rather it is one of the God given orders and those who choose to follow do and those who don't, just don't but do bear it's sin just as any other sins committed but that does not belittle the good deeds and God's mercy, but sins do vary there are major and minor sins which is a sign of God's justice on mankind. It is a relationship between creator and creation one to one basis.

Besides what is it you people want?

For starters, we'd like you to stop killing us, hating us and terrorizing us

You have enough barely dressed women all over your country, why is it that u want everyone to be the same? Why is covering a woman's body bothering you so much? I honestly do not understand. Why do you not criticize Nuns for covering their bodies up, or an average American decent woman who does not like to show much of her flesh? What surprises me is sometimes they become a mockery and are made fun of, in schools or Universities or at work.

Really? I must have missed that lesson - perhaps I was off becoming a better infidel

Why is chastity something that is considered bad? Why is it that at some gynecologists before a woman gets married and is going for a check up prior to marriage and is a virgin is advised to go to a psychiatrist???

Who said comedy was dead? The women who wrote this is Egyptian - the same country that airs the Chronicles of the Elders of Zion as if it were historical truth

What is wrong with a woman that wants to protect her flesh from men who may desire her body? Why is it so wrong from our prespective?

In all cases even that has been brought up in the Quraan. God mentioned that the Jews and Christians shall never be content till Moslems abandon their beliefs. It is not really a surprise because more than 1,400 years we have been warned and told of exactly what is happening now.

This from an adherant to a religion that says:

"Not to make friendship with Jews and Christians" (Koran 5:51)

Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable to go back on our promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them whenever we find ourselves strong enough to do so (Koran 9:3)

"Fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem" (Koran 9:5)

Our God tells us to "fight the unbelievers" and "He will punish them by our hands, cover them with shame and help us (to victory) over them" (Koran 9:14).

"Until they pay the Jizya [a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (Koran 9:29)

By the way, I am not bias against Jews or Christians, no, of course not...Actually I have many friends whom are Christians, and only one actually who is a Buddhist from the US which is the case of many Moslems as well.

In Islam we are encouraged to be tolerant of other religions. hee, hee... No one is to be forced into embracing Islam since simply there would be no point to it! You claimed that Jihadists are attempting to do that which is besides the point.

The violence we are all experiencing today after 9/11 has been stimulated by the United States foreign policies.

And here we have it, the "its your fault we're killing you" argument. It would be funny if they weren't so serious...

What business is it of the US government to but into other countries affairs? Or is the US gov. the ruler of the world? I would like to add, I have nothing against US citizens, but it is the government and its foreign polices that we are all fed up of.

Who told The US to go to Iraq? or to Afghanistan? Look at the violence they stimulated. Injustice makes people pop out of their wits. You cannot expect the people to be silent any more. Who has been killing children, women and elderly innocent people lately huh?

The parents of the innocent children in beslan who were tortured and executed by muslims know the anser to THAT question

Do you think that most of your country's soldiers were happy being on these missions? A great percentage were not, the only ones who were, were the psychopaths that were in Abu Ghreib prison and some others, but I am sure minorities were in acceptance to this bloody war. There have been beautiful young men and women who would have rather served their country and went back home to their families and loved ones I am sure. I know they died in vain and this is not me saying so, it is your own people. Your own media. People got fed up from both sides yours and ours. No one wants war.

Too late. You should have thought about that before your friends drove those planes into the WTC

What about the mafia? What origin are they from? What religion do you suppose they are following or at least labeled with? How about the street gangsters and the street shootings that have been happening in your country for years and years. What about black women and children who have been killed with no mercy by racists? What did Islam have to do with those? Before your country's government decided to go to free people and fix things up, why couldn't they make peace on your own streets first? Why can't it truly protect a woman. Why does your law need articles about sexual harassment on such large scales if it were not taking place to a great extent? I am not saying it does not happen in our countries, but not in the manner or scale it does at yours.

Please. You are just being bias without understanding anything the way it should be. As many others, Islam is a very peaceful religion, but it is not a passive one.

No shit Sherlock!

There's more anti-Christian/Jew blather, but you get the picture...

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