A conversation with muhammad

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

From Ali Sina at Faith Freedom

Muhammad:-Hey people I am a prophet!

People: - Where are your credentials?

Muhammad: - Here is a letter that I have written that says I am a prophet.

People: - But this is your own words.

Muhammad: -No this is what Allah dictated and I wrote it.

People: - How can we know you are not lying?

Muhammad: - You are deaf, dumb and blind and you’ll burn in hellfire. 2.171, 6.39, 8.22, 17.97

Stupid people aka Muslims: - Whoa! What a convincing argument! We believe.

Muhammad: - Now let us go and raid merchant caravans.

Muslims: - But isn’t stealing unethical?

Muhammad: - No! Because you became poor after following me and are no more working, Allah has given you the right to lay hand on other people’s property. Also they oppressed you. You can kill them. Oppression is worse than killing 2:217 Now let us attack villages without warning and take the population by surprise while they are heedless and their cattle is being watered at places of water. We will kill their fighting men and take their women and children as captives. Remember that the prettiest of the captives is my share. [Bukhari 3.46.717 ]

Muslims: - But isn’t raping married women sin?

Muhammad: -No! Incidentally Allah sent me a verse this morning saying it is okay to have sex with your right hand possessions. 4:24 So rape them with clear conscience. But always remember that the prettiest captive belongs to Allah and his messenger. [Bukhari1.8.367]
Also from now on you don’t have to practice coitus interruptus. Go ahead and ejaculate inside your victims "for if any soul is predestined to exist, it will exist". [Bukhari 3.46.718, 5.59.459 Abu Dawood,]

Islam has always been about attacking and conquering others, enslaving or killing them, and then living off their slave labor, as disguised in pseudo-religious babble to both embolden the believers and fool the non-believer.

Apply the Golden Rule to Islam and treat it and Muslims as it and they would treat you in Saudi Arabia (the epicenter of the disease.)

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