The religion of peace believes it is a womans own fault if she is raped

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sheikh Feiz Muhammad an Australian cleric doesn't think much about women, or the womens movement.

“Every minute in the world a woman is raped, and she has no one to blame but herself, for she has displayed her beauty to the whole world,” Sheikh Feiz Muhammad told a packed public meeting in the Bankstown Town Hall last month. “Strapless, backless, sleeveless - they are nothing but satanical. Mini-skirts, tight jeans - all this to tease men and to appeal to (their) carnal nature.”

There was pressure on Muslim women to unveil, the sheikh said, and this was because “they want you to be available for their gross, disgusting, filthy abomination! They want you to be a sex symbol!” The woman who wore the hijab was hiding her beauty from the eyes of “lustful, hungry wolves”, he said.

Sheikh Feiz Muhammad teaches at the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, NSW. His long, ranting speech, damning and ridiculing Western culture (if you allow your wife to watch the “devil” of daytime television, he advised men, you will come home from work and find she is being “negative” towards you) was greeted with frequent applause.

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