The truth about the "religion of peace"

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 that bastion of reason and clear-thinking succinctly answers the question: How will Canada's sharia court arbitration system handle such matters?

One idea that requires a response is the attack on aspects of the Shar’iah as barbaric. They claim that the standards for acceptability over 1400 years ago are different from the acceptable norms today. Therefore they say it is barbaric to stone the adulterer and lash the fornicator and cut the hand of the thief and - most controversially in their eyes – to kill the apostate. There I’ve said it. I can just imagine the human rights organisations rallying their capitalist brethren and the defeatist Muslims cringing. Yet it is an irrevocable command from the Creator, without distortion, abrogation or capitulation. The Messenger of Allah SalAllahu alaihi wasallam said:
من بدّل دينه فاقتلوه
"Whoever changes his religion, kill him". (Bukhari)

Read the entire appalling thing here:

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