by Daniel Pipes
New York
Sun March 29, 2005
"Shocked" is how Aisha Sherazi, principal of the Abraar Islamic school in Ottawa, described the reaction of the school's administration and board on learning last week that two of its teachers had incited hatred of Jews.
And "shocked" was how Mumtaz Akhtar, president of the Muslim-Community Council of Ottawa-Gatineau, described his own reaction to the front-page news about the Abraar school.
But they may have been the only two persons on the planet to be "shocked" to learn that teachers at an Islamic school are promoting anti-Semitism or other aspects of the Islamist agenda. The fact is, inquiries into Islamic schools repeatedly discover just such a radical Islamic outlook. Some examples:
New York City: An investigation by the New York Daily News in 2003 found that books used in the city's Muslim schools "are rife with inaccuracies, sweeping condemnations of Jews and Christians, and triumphalist declarations of Islam's supremacy."
Los Angeles: The Omar Ibn Khattab Foundation donated 300 Korans (titled The Meaning of the Holy Quran) to the city school district in 2001 that within months had to be pulled from school libraries because of its anti-Semitic commentaries. One footnote reads: "The Jews in their arrogance claimed that all wisdom and all knowledge of Allah was enclosed in their hearts. … Their claim was not only arrogance but blasphemy."
Ajax, Ontario, 50 kilometers east of Toronto: The Institute of Islamic Learning is a Canadian emulation of the extremist Deobandi madrassahs of Pakistan. It focuses exclusively on religious topics, has students memorize the Koran, demands total segregation from the Canadian milieu, and requires complete gender separation. Former students complained about the school's cult-like devotion to its head, Abdul Majid Khan, and complained that it is a "twisted religion."
Then there are four leading Islamic schools in the Washington, D.C. area:
The Muslim Community School in Potomac, Md., imbues in its students a sense of alienation from their own country. Seventh-grader Miriam told a Washington Post reporter in 2001, "Being American is just being born in this country." Eighth-grader Ibrahim announced that "Being an American means nothing to me."
A textbook used at the Islamic Saudi Academy of Alexandria, Va., in 2004, authored and published by the Saudi Ministry of Education, teaches first graders that "all religions, other than Islam, are false, including that of the Jews [and] Christians." An ISA class valedictorian, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, was recently indicted for plotting to assassinate President Bush.
The U.S. government revoked the visas in 2004 of sixteen people affiliated with the Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, of Fairfax, Va.
In the words of the Washington Post, "That decision followed accusations that the institute, a satellite campus of al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, was promoting a brand of Islam that critics say is intolerant of other strains of the religion as well as Christianity and Judaism."
In addition, the IIASA is under investigation for ties to terrorism.
The Graduate School of Islamic Social Sciences of Ashburn, Va., referred to as a "purported" educational institution in an affidavit justifying a raid on the school, had its financial records seized in 2002 on suspicions of links to terrorism.
Nor are schools the exception among Islamic institutions in North America. A recent study by Freedom House found a parallel problem of venomous anti-Jewish and anti-Christian materials in U.S. mosques. The most prominent American Muslim organizations, especially the Council on American-Islamic Relations, spew antisemitism and host a neo-Nazi.
The same applies in Canada, where the head of the Canadian Islamic Congress, Mohamed Elmasry, publicly endorsed the murder of all Israelis over the age of eighteen.
So long as Muslim leaders simply declare themselves, in the spirit of Capt. Renault in the movie Casablanca "shocked, shocked" whenever news of Islamist supremacism leaks out, this cancer will continue unabated.
The Islamic schools, the mosques, and other Muslim organizations like CAIR and CIC will continue their cat-and-mouse game so long as it works.
It won't work only when outside pressure is brought to bear on them by politicians, journalists, researchers, moderate Muslims, and others. They must state clearly and frequently the unacceptability of Islamist venom. Only then will today's fraudulent "shocked" reaction finally become sincere.
What Are Islamic Schools Teaching?
Posted by Flanstein at 12:24 PM
Let us never forget who was responsible, why they did this, and how much they - and their co-religionists - hate us...
Posted by Flanstein at 1:17 PM
The cover page of an enterprising young Canadian jihadis violent fantasy. islam, religion of peace....
Posted by Flanstein at 3:46 PM
More proof that muslims everywhere hate Jews...
'God bless you, your efforts are good,' instructor wrote on Ottawa boy's story celebrating violence, hatred against Jews
Juliet O'Neill
The Ottawa Citizen
Thursday, March 24, 2005
The cover page of the boy’s story is illustrated with a burning Star of David beside a machine-gun and a Palestinian flag atop the Dome of the Rock, an ancient Muslim shrine in Jerusalem. The text next to the shrine reads: 'With the call of God is the Greatest, the flag of Zionism will fall and will be destroyed.'
Two teachers at the Abraar Islamic school in Ottawa were suspended yesterday pending an investigation into the encouragement or incitement of hatred against Jews expressed in a young student's violence-laden writing project.
Principal Aisha Sherazi said the seven-member school board and administration were "shocked" (what a laugh - these folks ferment hatred of infidels and then claim they are "shocked)by teacher involvement in the project that was brought to her attention by the Citizen yesterday morning, and decided at an emergency meeting to suspend the instructors.
One teacher was apparently involved in the artistic production of the eight-page story of killing and martyrdom. Handwritten in Arabic and titled The Long Road, the cover page was illustrated by a drawing of a burning Star of David beside a machine-gun and Palestinian flag atop the Dome of the Rock, an ancient Muslim shrine in Jerusalem.
The other teacher had written comments on the student's paper, praising the boy's story of revenge for the assassination by Israeli forces a year ago of Sheik Ahmed Yassin, a co-founder of Hamas, in retaliation for suicide bombings against Israeli civilians.
"God bless you, your efforts are good," the teacher wrote on the title page. "The story of the hero Ahmed and the hero Salah is still alive. The end will be soon when God unites us all in Jerusalem to pray there."
On the margins inside the story, the teacher had written a note endorsing the boy's fantasy of a young Ahmed Yassin and his friend, Salah El-Dine, ambushing Israeli soldiers.
"Without thinking, Ahmed took his M16 machine-gun and threw the bombs, and he showered the Jews; this resulted in the killing of the soldiers," the boy's text reads. "Salah said: 'You killed them all.' Ahmed answered: 'Praise be to God.'"
If muslims live in your city or town, it's only a matter of time for their hatred of infidels to make itself apparent.
Posted by Flanstein at 1:30 PM
Apparently, I'm "unclean"...
Taken directly from Robert Spencer's Dhimmi Watch
Jihad Watch Advisory Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald takes on this outstanding display of dhimmitude from the eminently cloudy-minded Thomas Friedman at the New Duranty Times:
Everyone will have his own startling encounter with Islam -- the real thing, not what these Muslim apologists, hoping to give everyone a carefully-circumscribed "peek into the Koran" (and let's make sure that none of these unwary Infidels manages to read anything beyond the Michael Sells "Approaching the Qur'an" and by all means, keep them from looking into the Hadith or the Sira). But not more.One keeps being surprised. Yesterday, amused by the latest display of vacuity by Tom Friedman, nominating -- modestly -- Ali al-Sistani for the Nobel Prize -- I went to to look around. There, between Sistani's complete banning of chess, and his discussions of all the usual subjects that inquiring Muslims wish to know about, from whether it is okay to marry the sister of a man you have sodomized, or who has sodomized you (I forget which) to whether your canonical prayers count if you haven't performed the wudu (ablutions) correctly -- you know, all the stuff that you want to know -- was the little matter of "Najis" or the "unclean."
If you click on "Muslim Laws" on the left, and then, once a list comes up, click on "najis things" you will get a list -- #84 -- and if you then go a little further, and click on the menu where, among those unclean things, the "kafir" (which is to say, the Unbeliever, or You and I, Dear Reader) you will get a further discussion of how, in nice, wonderful, "moderate" Islam of the al-Sistani variety, the Unbeliever, the Infidel, the Kafir (guilty of "kufr" or "ingratitude" for failing to receive the Revelation of the Last of the Prophets in the right, accepting, submissive way) is viewed.
So here, for everyone out in Ames, Iowa, is just a little sample of what you are missing, and what one suspects that Mohammed Fahmy et al. would prefer that you not inquire into too deeply. And please, whatever you do, do NOT read the websites and and and, and do NOT read anything by Bat Ye'or, but especially do not read Islam and Dhimmitude or The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam. And do not read Ibn Warraq's Why I Am Not a Muslim. And let's not even talk about Robert Spencer. These books will only confuse you. And never pay attention to a man named Ali Sina. Never google the name "Habib Malik" to read what he has to say about the historic relationship of Islam to Christianity, and never read a similar article by James V. Schall, a professor at Georgetown.
Well, here is what you can find at
"84. The following ten things are essentially najis:
1. Urine
2. Faeces
3. Semen
4. Dead body
5. Blood
6. Dog
7. Pig
8. Kafir
9. Alcoholic liquors
10. The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat [i.e., unclean things].108. The entire body of a Kafir, including his hair and nails, and all liquid substances of his body, are najis.
109. If the parents, paternal grandmother and paternal grandfather of a minor child are all kafir, that child is najis, except when he is intelligent enough, and professes Islam. When, even one person from his parents or grandparents is a Muslim, the child is Pak (The details will be explained in rule 217).
110. A person about whom it is not known whether he is a Muslim or not, and if no signs exist to establish him as a Muslim, he will be considered Pak. But he will not have the privileges of a Muslim, like, he cannot marry a Muslim woman, nor can he be buried in a Muslim cemetery."So who wants to second the nomination of Al-Sistani for the Nobel Prize? Anyone out there in Ames, Iowa?
Posted by Flanstein at 7:05 AM
Wherever Muslims live in Canada - Jew-hatred is sure to follow...
Reports of anti-Semitic incidents up dramatically in 2004, says Jewish group
OTTAWA (CP) - A "chilling" new audit by a Jewish group says a record number of anti-Semitic incidents were reported in Canada last year.
B'nai Brith Canada's League for Human Rights released a report Tuesday citing 857 incidents across the country. That's the highest number since the organization began tracking such incidents 22 years ago. And it's up 47 per cent from 2003.
The biggest numbers were in Ontario and Quebec - the most populous provinces - with one incident recorded for the first time in Nunavut.
Especially troubling was a 59 per cent increase in incidents aimed at Jewish homes, said league director Ruth Klein.
"We find this number especially chilling because it implies a measure of premeditation," Klein told an Ottawa news conference.
"People are actually taking the trouble to find out where Jews live, and targeting them in their own homes."
Incidents range from graffiti, to bomb threats and violence.
Among the incidents cited by the league in 2004:
-A Jewish home in Calgary spray-painted with the words Hitler Rules.
-Graffiti on a city street in Cambridge, Ont., proclaiming: Help Save The World. Kill The Jews.
-A website created by a teenager in St. John's, Nfld., filled with anti-Jewish comments.
Almost 45 per cent of the incidents were investigated by police. Of those, 13 resulted in charges, with one leading to a prison sentence. Several cases are still before the courts.
Jewish students were targeted in 47 incidents, often linked to anti-Israel or antiwar events.
Almost one-third of all incidents occurred in March and April, when Israel launched countermeasures against terrorist groups in the Palestinian territory. Klein said that seemed to fall in line with a historical pattern surrounding Israeli military activity.
"We've often found in the past that whenever there's increased tension in the Middle East, Jews in this country are targeted by people who are acting out on their anti-Israel anger," said Klein.
Figures are compiled from incidents reported directly to the league's anti-hate hotline, or its regional offices in Toronto, Halton-Peel in Ontario, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Edmonton.
An RCMP spokesman said he didn't immediately have hate-crimes statistics available.
The league makes a number of recommendations in its report, including having dedicated hate crime units established by all major police forces. The report also calls on Ottawa to amend the Criminal Code to include Holocaust denial as a hate crime.
Posted by Flanstein at 8:27 PM
Keep Islamic law out of Canada, Quebec politicians urge
Minister suggests province reject; Muslim immigrants who favour system
The Gazette
Friday, March 11, 2005
Islamic law has no place in Quebec or the rest of Canada, a provincial cabinet minister and several MNAs said yesterday.
With the Ontario government expected to decide shortly on whether to allow the Islamic legal code, known as sharia, to be applied to settle family disputes among Muslims, Liberal and Parti Quebecois MNAs warned yesterday that using sharia would lead to blatant violations of women's rights.
"I think all political parties in Quebec must say loud and clear that not only do we not want it in Quebec, we don't want it in Ontario and we don't want it in Canada," International Relations Minister Monique Gagnon-Tremblay said at a conference.
The former immigration minister said Quebec should refuse immigrants who believe the Islamic system should be applied.
"We must rework the social contract (for immigrants) so that the people - Muslims who want to come to Quebec and who do not respect women's rights or who do not respect whatever rights may be in our Civil Code - stay in their country and not come to Quebec, because that's unacceptable."
"On the other hand, if people want to come to Quebec and accept our way of doing things and our rights, in that instance they will be welcome and we will help them integrate."
Sharia is canonical law based on the teachings of the Koran.
Ontario's attorney-general is studying a report, made public in December, that recommends sharia be allowed to settle family disputes.
But in an hour-long presentation, Liberal MNA Fatima Houda-Pepin argued Islamic law would infringe on women's rights and open the door to polygamy.
"We've seen sharia at work in Iran. We've seen it at work in Afghanistan, with the odious Taliban regime. We've seen it in Sudan, where the hands of hundreds of innocent people were cut off. We've seen it in Nigeria with attempts at stoning," she said.
Salam Elmenyawi, chairperson of the Muslim Council of Montreal, was outraged when told about the comments made at the conference.
"When you talk like that, you are attacking me and my faith," he said in a phone interview. "This is total ignorance. Bigotry and ignorance have no limits."
But Houda-Pepin, who was raised a Muslim, also warned that the public should make an effort to get to know those in the community who are lobbying for application of sharia.
"One of the strengths of Islamists is that they know you very well. They know our history, they know our culture, they know our justice system, the Charter of Rights," she said.
She said those lobbyists are trying to impose a political agenda, not necessarily a religious one.
"Their objective is not to integrate into Canada, it is to integrate Canada to their values," she said, acknowledging sharia is interpreted in a more liberal fashion in such countries as Morocco as opposed to Saudi Arabia, for example.
The stink of islam is finally being acknowledged for what it is - a death cult of hatred, fear and oppression..
Posted by Flanstein at 7:29 AM
The enemy is amongst us
Mar. 8, 2005. 06:12 AM
Toronto Star
CSIS chief links immigrant to Al Qaeda Mosques being monitored by agency
Two top officials speak to senators
TONDA MACCHARLESOTTAWA BUREAUOTTAWA—A Canadian landed immigrant is a key commander affiliated with Al Qaeda in Iraq, a top CSIS official says.
CSIS director Jim Judd told a Senate committee yesterday "the ranks of trained terrorist fighters in Iraq are bolstered by individuals from around the world, including from Europe and Canada."
Judd told the committee: "For example, a Canadian citizen is believed to be a member of a group affiliated with Al Qaeda and Abdul Jabbar, a landed immigrant, is believed to be a key commander and ideologue with that same organization in Iraq."
Judd gave no further details.
CSIS operations director Dale Neufeld, the former interim director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and now second-in-charge, did say the agency is monitoring mosques in Canada that it suspects are raising funds for terrorist activities and recruiting terrorist sympathizers.
Posted by Flanstein at 6:38 AM
The Hypocricy of islam
Across the civilized world, muslims whine and moan if concessions aren't made to them and their "religion". Sadly, the concessions are a one-way street.
Washington DC - The Saudi Government said today it won’t allow non Muslims to seek its citizenship, Al-Watan newspaper reported today.
Naser Al-Hanaya, Ministry of Interior Assistant for Civil Affairs, told Al-Watan that the citizenship law amended October 18 of last year won’t allow any non Muslims living in the country to seek Saudi nationality.
Al-Hanaya said “Islam is the religion and non Muslims won’t be allowed citizenship.”
Reason 5,876 why islam stinks...
Posted by Flanstein at 1:55 PM
Canada's Muslim refusenik
National Post
Sat 05 Feb 2005
By Robert Fulford
The threat to Western democracy posed by unassimilated Muslim immigrants in Europe has been discussed for years. Given that background, it's remarkable that Irshad Manji, the author of The Trouble with Islam, can imagine powerful and positive influence running in precisely the other direction, from the democracies to Islam. She argues that the West's traditions, embraced by young Muslims, can save Islam from intellectual atrophy and moral failure. And she's enlisted as an agent of that change.
It's now only about a year since Manji and her book, having made a good start in Canada, set off to tell the world that Islam desperately needs free inquiry, self-criticism, an honest examination of the Koran and women's rights.
By any standards, the results have been spectacular. Seen in a Canadian context, The Trouble with Islam has notably expanded the international sweep of Canadian writing; no other Canadian polemic has ever reached so far so fast. But her book would be a phenomenon wherever it came from.
There are 15 editions in print, from Brazil to Pakistan, and this year brings at least three more, in Israel, Bulgaria and Poland. Lately there have been nibbles from India, Bangladesh, even an underground publisher in Iran. Meanwhile, Arabic and Urdu readers can download the book free from the author's Web site,
On the Web she delivers the same autobiographical message that brought her book to life. Muslims may believe the West will corrupt their faith, but that's not been her experience. A refugee from Uganda who grew up near Vancouver, she insists that freedom saved her belief. With her Canadian education and Canadian free speech, she learned how to live as a dissenting Muslim, a "Muslim refusenik" who refuses to join "an army of automatons in the name of God."
Because she can practise her religion freely, she's never abandoned it. "Had I grown up in a Muslim country, I might well be an atheist in my heart. The West has saved my faith in my faith." She headed one chapter in her book, "Thank God for the West." Defying the views of almost every articulate Muslim alive, she says: "The Islamic reformation begins in the West."
At a different moment in history, that might be optimistic nonsense. But the 21st century has given her message the electronic means to reach distant places where governments and imams condemn her ideas but citizens may be willing to consider them.
Reading leads us to a renewed respect for the freedoms created in cyberspace.
Managing all the material that comes her way, Manji sets an example of tolerance by quoting or linking every kind of criticism of her work, from the Palestine Solidarity Review's claim that she's a lying imperialist through a correspondent's regret that Idi Amin didn't kill her and her family to The Economist's friendly but condescending notice ("struggling to get out of this hodgepodge of a book, there are some sensible ideas").
She also deals in a calm and tolerant way with remarks many would consider outrageous, like a message from Pakistan: "You are a courageous lady. Keep telling the truth and please try to change your sexual orientation." When people say she shouldn't mention she's a lesbian because it's unrelated to her argument, she replies that she includes pluralism among her goals; Muslims must acknowledge the existence of gays and lesbians.
Those writing to her reveal that remarkable kinds of pluralism already exist among some Muslims. From London a Hindu writes that he and his Sunni Muslim wife are loving her book: "We live in the same funny, infuriating, insane world as you." A Muslim woman (self-described as Anglo-Polish, pale and freckled) sends from France a defence of her right to wear hijab and adds that her live-in boyfriend, a Roman Catholic, supports her.
Anyone trying to understand the movement of ideas and feelings in this era could do worse than study Manji's career. No one can know whether she will have the effect on history that her admirers hope for; religions rarely change that fast. But it's already clear that she embodies and illustrates the special nature of the historic period in which we live. Archimedes, explaining the function of the lever, famously said that if he were given a place to stand and the right kind of lever, he could shift the position of the planet. On the World Wide Web, Irshad Manji has found both a place to stand and a lever capable of tilting the world.
Posted by Flanstein at 11:44 AM