In the muslim world, Jew-hatred is EVERYWHERE!

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Dr. Rif'at Sayyed Ahmad, director of the "Jaffa Research Center" in Cairo and columnist for Al-Liwaa Al-Islami, which is the Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party's paper, published a two-part article titled 'The Lie About The Burning of the Jews.' In his article, Ahmad stated, using the work of Western Holocaust deniers, that the burning of Jews in gas chambers during World War II was a tale made up by the Zionist movement in order to extort the West and make possible the establishment of the Zionist enterprise. The following are excerpts from the article:

'Did this Holocaust Indeed Take Place, and what is the Truth about the Numbers?'
"The Zionist enterprise on the land of Palestine succeeded by means of lies and myths, from the myth of the 'Chosen People' and the 'Promised Land' to the lie about the burning of the Jews in the Nazi gas chambers during World War II. When these means were scientifically examined, it was proven that they were untrue, that their reasoning was weak, and that they cannot withstand the test of solid fact. "What interests us here is that this lie [about] the burning of the Jews in the Nazi crematoria has been disseminated throughout the world until our time in order to extort the West and make it easier for the Jews of Europe to hunt [sic] Palestine and establish a state on it, in disregard of the most basic principles of international law and the right of peoples to independent life without occupation. [This lie] was raised [also] so that [the Jews] would receive financial, technological, and economic aid from the West. "During the past 50 years, Germany alone gave a total of some $100 billion. Many European countries began to amend their laws so that they would be compatible with the Holocaust myth ... and they toughened the regulations, resolutions, and laws convicting anyone who mocks this lie or tries to [state that] the number of victims was smaller - as happened to Muslim philosopher Roger Garaudy in France. "This entire situation has turned the Holocaust - that is, Hitler's operation of burning the Jews in gas chambers - into a drawn sword at the necks of historians and serious researchers in the West, and even in the East. At the same time, [the Holocaust] became profitable goods for the Zionist entity... "At a conference of 50 countries held in Germany in April 2004, the German foreign minister delivered a speech called 'Antisemitism.' He demanded that the conference participants demonstrate solidarity with Israel and fight those who deny or cast doubt on the matter of the burning of the Jews in the Nazi crematoria. Several months ago in the city of Stockholm, Sweden, some 26 European and non-European countries passed a resolution to teach 'the false Nazi holocaust' that Hitler had carried out against the Jews, at all stages of study in the schools of the participating countries. At the same time, there were words of appreciation for the Israeli prime minister, whose entity is today implementing the same purported Hitler Nazism."None of the senior officials who participated in the conference bothered to answer a number of questions: Did this holocaust indeed take place, and what is the truth about the numbers that were disseminated regarding it? [They did not answer the question of] what their opinion was regarding the slaughter in cold blood of children, men, and defenseless elderly in Palestine today, since September 28, 2002 [sic]. Is this not 'the new Nazism?' And how does their false European integrity and their false defense of human rights accept this? "To this day, none of these countries has answered these questions, and never will answer them, because they are hypocrites with regard to [the difference between] perception and analysis, and there is no chance of getting an answer from them. We can only present clear-cut evidence, and try to reread the story of this 'holocaust' with complete objectivity."
'Objective Essays by Zionist Authors Prove the Lie about the Burning of the Jews in Gas Chambers'
"First, the facts about this lie and what surrounds it, as follows: "[The number] of victims as a result of World War II, due both to the crimes of the Axis countries and the [crimes of] the Allies, are, according to a few versions, about 50 million, whether as a result of the war or of Hitler's crimes. Of these, 18 million were Germans. Among the victims of this war were Jews, like other members of the human race, as war and cannon shells and planes are incapable of distinguishing between Jew and non-Jew. "Similarly, Hitler was against all nationalities that were not pure German, whether Jewish or non-Jewish. He was a fanatical German nationalist whose nationalism, which was against everything except Germany, included, of course, both Jews and non-Jews. "Objective essays by Zionist authors prove the lie about the burning of the Jews in gas chambers. Of these it is possible to mention, for example, Josef Ginzburg, a German [Jew] who lived under Nazi rule and fled with his family to America and from there went to Israel - about whose establishment he was enthusiastic. But after experiencing what he called its racist Nazi essence, he quickly left Israel and returned to Germany in the 1950s. There [in Germany] he wrote a number of important books about the 'holocaust,' denying that there had been gas chambers designed for burning the Jews. He said: 'This is nothing but a great lie, by means of which the extremist Jews wanted to extort Europe - particularly Germany - and to plunder the homelands of others.' And that is exactly what happened in occupied Palestine. "Josef Ginzburg was murdered by the Jews when he went to visit his wife's grave in Munich's Jewish cemetery, in retaliation for his attempt to expose their falsification."
The Hoax of the 20th Century
"The famous French historian and geographer Paul Rassinein [sic, reference to Paul Rassinier] tried to confront this falsification and lie from the outset. In 1948, he published an extremely important history book about this falsification, called 'Crossing the Line.'(2) In his book, he used exact numbers and statistics about the number of Jews in Europe - particularly in Germany - prior to and following World War II. He carefully compared these [with the number of victims], and concluded that the number of killed from among them as a result of the war or as a result of Hitler's persecution of them and others who were not German subjects did not exceed a few hundred thousand. [Rassinier wrote in his book], 'The number did not reach even one million killed, at most.' "Paul Rassinier was persecuted and stood trial. He, the publisher, and the author of the book's preface were all fined a large amount, just like what happened half a century later to the Muslim philosopher Roger Garaudy when he published his book 'The Founding Myths of Zionism,'(3) in which he refuted this same lie - the lie of the burning of the Jews in the gas chambers. And in a democratic country, France, he [Garaudy] was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment, fined, persecuted, and slandered. What kind of democracy is this, that does not tolerate the intellectual efforts of others on this world's historical issues?..."The American author and researcher Arthur Butz produced an important book titled 'The Hoax of the Twentieth Century'(4)... This book includes precise scientific data on the Auschwitz camp, where it was alleged that 1.2 million Jews were 'burnt.' Arthur Butz proved that at this camp dead bodies - of Jews and non-Jews - were burnt as a result of the war, and that their bodies were burnt so contagious diseases would not be spread by leaving them in the streets for a long time. [Similarly,] it is almost certain that it was not Hitler who built the crematoria, but the Poles, after the war, and that the odors emitted by the crematoria in which the bodies were burnt were also those of horses who died as a result of the war... He concluded from all this that the 'crematoria' ... were a lie that must now be exposed. Of course, Arthur Butz was attacked by world Zionism, and nearly paid with his life."
'No Matter what Proof We Present, [the Jews and] the European Politicians will Never Believe Us'
"The evidence and the objective essays published in the world about this 'lie,' which the Jews have succeeded in exploiting with great wisdom, are continuing. The most recent important attempt, which also faced a Zionist counterattack, was that of British historian David Irving, who in 1990 stated before 800 people in Munich that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, and that the gas chamber in the detention camp there was erected by the Poles after the war - similar to the one erected by the Americans at Dachau - and that six million Jews were not burnt there as was alleged. "In January 2002, he again stated that it was inconceivable that the number of Jews killed as a result of the war reached this number [six million]..."In the same way, articles by Gilbert Aire [sic] appeared in the British [newspaper The] Independent, in which he considered the talk about the Holocaust as nothing more than a cheap fashion. Similarly, the essays of British authors Sam Shulman, Tim Cole, and Nata Shalter [sic], of the American author Peter Novick, and of dozens of other [authors] of conscience, who were very humiliated by the trade in the false Holocaust..."No matter what details and proof emphasizing the lie of the burning of the Jews in Nazi crematoria we present, they [the Jews] and the statesmen of Europe who trade in the Holocaust will never believe us. On the contrary - it is almost certain that they will accuse us of antisemitism..."Dozens of Western laws in the European countries have been changed to protect this false myth of the burning of the Jews. Dozens of curricula have also been changed. Today, it is possible to curse the monotheistic religions, but the 'holocaust' and its lie are above criticism and above opinion, and in Europe it is unapproachable. "All this proves that we are standing before new Western idol-worship that requires a genuine cultural revolution within it in order to destroy it - a revolution that will use facts and science against tales ungrounded in true reality and credible history."

Explaining the Arab-Israeli conflict through numbers

Thursday, July 29, 2004

A fascinating look at the two solitudes from the occasionally interesting Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager (July 27, 2004

For the many readers who have requested a brief synopsis of the moral arguments in the Arab-Israeli conflict, I offer the following list of numerical data.

Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Old Testament: over 700

Number of times Jerusalem is mentioned in the Koran: 0

Number of Arab leaders who visited Jerusalem when it was under Arab rule (1948 to 1967): 1

Number of Arab refugees who fled the land that became Israel: approximately 600,000

Number of Jewish refugees who fled Arab countries: approximately 600,00

Number of U.N. agencies that deal only with Palestinian refugees: 1

Number of U.N. agencies that deal with all the other refugees in the world: 1

Number of Jewish states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 3

Number of Arab or Muslim states that have existed on the land called Palestine: 0

Number of terrorist attacks by Israelis or Jews since 1967: 1

Number of terrorist attacks by Arabs or Muslims since 1967: thousands

Percentage of Jews who have praised the Jewish terrorist: approximately .1

Percentage of Palestinians who have praised Islamic terrorists: approximately 90

Number of Jewish countries: 1
Number of Jewish democracies: 1
Number of Arab countries: 19
Number of Arab democracies: 0
Number of Arab women killed annually by fathers and brothers in "honor killings": thousands
Number of Jewish women killed annually by fathers and brothers in "honor killings": 0
Number of Christian or Jewish prayer services allowed in Saudi Arabia: 0
Number of Muslim prayer services allowed in Israel: unlimited
Number of Arabs Israel allows to live in Arab settlements in Israel: 1,250,000
Number of Jews Palestinian Authority allows to live in Jewish settlements in Palestinian Authority: 0
Percentage of U.N. Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning an Arab country for human rights violations: 0
Percentage of U.N. Commission on Human Rights resolutions condemning Israel for human rights violations: 26
Number of U.N. Security Council resolutions on the Middle East between 1948 and 1991: 175
Number of these resolutions against Israel: 97
Number of these resolutions against an Arab state: 4
Number of Arab countries that have been members of the U.N. Security Council: 16
Number of times Israel has been a member of the U.N. Security Council: 0
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning Israel: 322
Number of U.N. General Assembly resolutions condemning an Arab country: 0
Percentage of U.N. votes in which Arab countries voted with the United States in 2002: 16.6
Percentage of U.N. votes in which Israel voted with the United States in 2002: 92.6
Percentage of Middle East Studies professors who defend Zionism and Israel: approximately 1.
Percentage of Middle East Studies professors who believe in diversity on college campuses: 100
Percentage of people who argue that the Jewish state has no right to exist who also believe some other country has no right to exist: 0
Percentage of people who argue that of all the countries in the world, only the Jewish state has no right to exist and yet deny they are anti-Jewish: approximately 100
Number of Muslims in the world: more than 1 billion
Number of Muslim demonstrations against Islamic terror: approximately 2

An interesting concept

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

A muslim woman by the name of Scorpion has invited me to debate her on a joint Web site the two of us will manage.  I have no idea how long it will last, as I'm sure neither of us has any intentions of pulling punches.  It's difficult to be polite on a forum like this - with the background noise of beheaded infidels as a constant soundtrack - but I will try.  If you visit, do try as well...

Visit us here:

An e-mail to Allah

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

By Abul Kasem

E Mail :

Dear Allah; Assalamu Alaikum; We really do not know how to address you properly. So, we use the same salutation that you taught your most favourite messenger, Muhammad (pbuh). It is also quite difficult for us to know about your whereabouts since you communicated with your Umma via your Minister of Information, Jibril via Muhammad (pbuh) 1400 years ago. Since then, we had never heard from you. This is very sad to us Allah. During these long 1400 years so many things have changed on earth. We are absolutely certain that you are quite aware of these changes.

We are sending this e-mail to you hoping that this will find you somewhere in the cyberspace as this space is so huge. Allah, please forgive our Beadabi. We tried to communicate with you through, Zainamaj, Tasbih, Kurbani, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj, Dan Khairat------everything that you told us to do. But alas! All our attempts have been futile. Perhaps you are very busy. Perhaps you have other matters to attend. We waited patiently for thousands of years to receive your 'nek' and 'niamat'. But so far we have not received any. That is why, in desperation we are writing this urgent e-mail to you. Dear Allah, do you have a fax machine? We are sure you have one. Even the lowly creatures of yours can invent a fax machine. So, we are certain that you have a fax and a telephone service too. On your reply please give us your fax and telephone numbers so that we can contact you promptly whenever emergency arises.

Read the rest of this amusing piece here:

"The vast majority of Saudis support Osama's extremist world-view"

Thursday, July 22, 2004

The truth about islam, from someone who should know. This puts to rest the evil canard propagated by western muslims who refer to terrorists as just a few "kooks" and "bad apples" that are not representative of their "beautiful" religion.

Sounds like there are millions and millions of "bad apples"....

By MARGARET WENTEFrom Thursday's Globe and Mail

When your name is bin Ladin, life becomes more difficult. People you meet wonder whose side you're on. Your children will have trouble finding jobs. "There is no escape from that name," says Carmen bin Ladin over a cup of tea in Toronto. "It is too notorious."
Ms. bin Ladin (she spells it with an "i"), tall, slender, chic and jittery, did manage to escape from the bin Laden family, along with her three daughters. Now she has written Inside the Kingdom, a book about life with the in-laws as seen from the women's quarters. When it was published in February in France, it became a bestseller. The book depicts the stifling, rigid Saudi culture as few Westerners have seen it.

The author also has a chilling message for the rest of us. Despite official protestations, she says, the vast majority of Saudis support Osama's extremist world-view. "Osama bin Laden is considered a true Muslim. They don't have any doubt about that," she says in a husky, French-accented voice. The Saudis, she maintains, are essentially Taliban with money.
Ms. bin Ladin, who is half Swiss and half Iranian, was married for 14 years to Yeslam bin Ladin, the 10th son of the family patriarch, Sheik Mohamed. Osama is Yeslam's younger brother. Ms. bin Ladin lived in the Kingdom with the extended bin Laden clan from 1976 to 1985. Today, she lives in Switzerland, where she's still in a bitter, protracted divorce battle with Yeslam. The family have cut off all contact. "I know they're not very happy about the book," she says. "But they know it's true."

The book's a scorcher, not for its fleeting glimpses of Osama (who recoiled in horror when she once answered the door unveiled), but for its depiction of the utter oppression and submissiveness of Saudi women and the dysfunction of the elites. While Saudi princes rake off billions in business kickbacks, their neglected and depressed wives abuse drugs, drown their sorrows in extravagant shopping sprees, and turn to lesbian affairs for comfort. Many of them have bone density problems because they never go outside or exercise. When their husbands divorce them, they may never see their children again.

The bin Laden women "did nothing, read nothing, and were like pets kept by their husbands," she writes. They were fanatically religious. Because Yeslam was thoroughly westernized, she was far freer than they were. (They had met and married as students in California and had their first child there.) She played tennis and entertained people from the diplomatic corps. She dressed her daughters in T-shirts and shorts. Even so, she couldn't speak to any unrelated Saudi man, and life was so constrained that she was rarely able to go outside. There was, literally, nothing to do but raise her young daughters and wait for her husband to come home from work, where he was rising fast in the bin Laden construction empire.
How could she stand it?

"I loved him," she says. She also was certain that the Kingdom was on the verge of liberalizing. Meantime, "I had the impression I could protect my daughters from all of that."
But, gradually, it dawned on her that she could not.

One day, she found herself with a group of wives who included a timid young woman called Najwah. Najwah was Osama's wife. She was trying to spoon-feed their baby with water in the stifling heat. The infant was too small to take water from a spoon, and Carmen urged her to use a bottle. But Najwah refused, because Osama had decreed that rubber nipples were un-Islamic.

The baby was in terrible distress, but none of the women dared to intervene.
Afterward, Carmen tried to express her fear and rage to her husband. He didn't understand. And that was when she began to realize how powerless she really was.

One day, she threw a birthday party (frowned on as irreligious) for her older daughter, Wafah. She was shocked when a nine-year-old cousin arrived veiled. "Already?" she thought. But soon it would be her daughters' turn. "I watched that society as a mother of two daughters. I thought, what will be the future of my daughters because they are girls?"

She knew they might not be lucky enough to marry men as westernized as Yeslam. Besides, even the most westernized Saudi men had a way of becoming Saudi again, as she was finding out. Meantime, if anything were to happen to him, neither she nor her daughters would have any rights at all. To save the girls, they would have to leave.

In 1985, the bin Ladins relocated to Geneva, where they had a third daughter. But Yeslam became more and more controlling. The marriage crumbled, and Carmen, who used to be phenomenally rich, began a long fight for financial support. Today, Yeslam still lives in Geneva and runs a successful business empire. He has cut off all contact with his daughters. "They are not the Saudi daughters he thought he should have," she says.

She wrote this book for them, to explain why she acted as she did, and also for the world, to explain where they stand. She hopes it will ease the burden of their notorious name. "Since 9/11, things have been hard for them," she says. Wafah, now 26, is an American citizen. She has two law degrees and travels between Geneva and London. Najia, 24, has gone into business with a friend. The youngest, Noor, is still in school. "I've achieved the most important thing," Carmen bin Ladin says. "I've given my daughters freedom of choice."

She is deeply pessimistic that Saudi society is capable of reform. "I have never seen Saudis questioning their culture and principles." And that's bad news for the rest of us.
"When Osama dies, I fear there will be a thousand men to take his place," she writes. "The ground of Saudi Arabia is fertile soil for intolerance and arrogance, and for contempt toward outsiders. It is a country where there is no room for mildness, mercy, compassion or doubt. ..... Their way has been chosen by God.

"They are eager to understand our technology, and they understand our political systems. But inside them, there is nothing but scorn for what they perceive as the godless, individualistic values and shameless freedoms of the Western way of life."
One senses that it's not pleasant to cross the bin Ladens. But, in her view, the risk is worth taking. "I don't want to shut up," she says defiantly, "because that means they have won."!

Today's Outrage - the Muslim trophy

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Know any Mormons who do this?

RIYADH (AFP) - Saudi Arabia announced that the head of slain US hostage Paul Johnson had been found in a refigerator in a house targeted during an overnight raid in Riyadh.
“Paul Johnson’s head was found in a refrigerator” during a late-night raid on a house in the Saudi capital, said a ministry statement, carried by official media.

Johnson was kidnapped in the Saudi capital on June 12. Six days later Islamist websites posted gruesome pictures of his beheading, claimed by “Al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula”.
The statement also said police found rocket-propelled grenades, SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles, vast quantities of ammunition and 360,000 riyals (96,000 dollars) in the same house.

It was not clear if the house where Johnson’s head was found was the same site raided by security forces late Tuesday in northern Riyadh, where they clashed with militants, killing two and wounding and arresting three others.

The gunbattle erupted after security men stormed the suspect house in the King Fahd neighbourhood, where they also arrested the wife and three children of the suspected Al-Qaeda leader in the Gulf, Saleh Mohammed al-Oufi.

"Allah said, 'Make war on them until no more temptation remains'"

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Fromm Jihad Watch:

The Ingushetian Shura Council in Chechyna has declared jihad. Of course, jihad has been raging there for some time, so this isn't really a new development, but there is a noteworthy point in their communiqué: the jihad is so that "the Earth could be cleansed of unbelief."
This assumes an endless jihad against unbelievers, until Islamic hegemony is established everywhere. This is traditional Islamic doctrine, but since it is obscured and denied by so many taqiyya artists (that's deception as allowed by the Qur'an, 3:28 and 16:106) and dhimmis, it is useful to see what they're saying about it in Chechnya -- which is the same thing, by the way, that jihadists today are saying worldwide, though few are paying attention.

From the Kavkaz Center via " target=_blank>Jihad Unspun, with thanks to Nicolei:
In the name of God, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!
Praise Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, peace and blessing be to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and all of his disciples.

Indeed, Allah created people so that He could be worshipped alone, so no companions are ascribed to Him, and He permitted Jihad on His Straight Way, so that the Religion of Allah could be above all, so that all areas of life could be guided by Islam, and so that the Earth could be cleansed of unbelief.
Allah said, «Make war on them until no more temptation remains…» (Anfal 39) [That's Sura 8:39]

The reason why the Muslims are weak is because they abandoned the Jihad. Allah set the infidels on Muslims, these infidels are guided by ignorance and unbelief and in the Muslim countries they have tried to do everything to make Muslims forget their Religion. Enemies are taking the riches of Muslims, they are persecuting the Muslims and thus confirming the warning from Allah:

«They will not cease to fight with ye until they avert ye from your Religion, if they will be able to do it»....
Everyone who cooperates with the invaders and helps them in the war against Muslims with weapons or with snitching thus becomes one of them. Requirement of the Shariah Law applies to such people. These people will be punished by death, because fighting shoulder to shoulder with infidels or helping the infidels in the war against Muslims banishes them from Islam. For Allah said that those who make friends among infidels become one of them. And Allah will not be guiding the wicked.

Muslims must be convinced that the only salvation and the only way to obtain honor and dignity is the Religion of Islam. Our enemies know it and this is why they are trying to do all they can to lead Muslims astray. They appoint their lackeys as muftis, imams of mosques, who in turn pervert the truth and lead Muslims away from the Religion of Islam; they spread ignorance and heresy; they split Muslims into groups and sects; they spread polytheism and they call to obey the enemies.

Muslims, do believe the promises of Allah about His help. Jihad on the Way of Allah is the truth that restores justice.

Allah is our Master and there is no help other than from Him.
Allah Akbar!!!God is Great!!!

Military Council Majlis Al-Shura of Ingushetia

Europe Fears Islamic Converts May Give Cover for Extremism

Monday, July 19, 2004

Pale-skinned muslims may be the greatest threat; they hate us the same as other muslims, they just look like us...
ST.-PIERRE-EN-FAUCIGNY, France — The Courtailler brothers grew up in this medieval Alpine town, children of a butcher who went broke, who divorced his wife and moved to a job in a meatpacking plant far away. Two of the three brothers, David and Jérôme, educated in Catholic schools, foundered in drugs until they found religion: Islam.

Within five years of David's initial conversion at a mosque in the British seaside resort of Brighton in 1996, the brothers embraced many of the leading lights of Europe's Islamic terror network. David, 28, is now in jail, and in late June, Jérôme, 29, turned himself in to the police in the Netherlands, days after he was convicted by a court there of belonging to an international terrorist group.

The Courtaillers are part of a growing group of people who found a home in Islam and then veered into extremism, raising concerns among antiterrorism officials on both sides of the Atlantic that the new recruits could provide foreign-born Islamic militants with invisibility and cover, by escaping the scrutiny often reserved for young men of Arab descent.
A handful of Westerners have already been arrested on terrorism charges. Their experiences, the authorities fear, could foreshadow a deepening problem.

"Converts will be used for striking more and more by jihadist circles," said Jean-Luc Marret, a terrorism expert at the Strategic Research Foundation, in Paris. "They have been used in the past for proselytism, logistics or support, and they are operationally useful now."

Muslims say the Darndest things

Friday, July 16, 2004


Insist that violent passages in the Quran only apply to long-ago historical incidents (like the battle of Badr), but then also insist that the Quran is a book of guidance "for all times and all people." 

Insist that Muhammad 's actions can't be judged by today's more humane human rights standards, while at the same time, insist that he is the perfect "Model for all Mankind" today. 

Insist that Islam is a "religion of peace", while at the same time, brag about the great military victories of Muhammad, Abu Bakr, Umar, Khalid bin Al-Waheed and Saladin. 

Insist that Islam is "not a missionary religion", while at the same time publish endless articles about "how to do dawah" on hundreds of dawah websites. (dawah means invitation to Islam)   

Insist that "truth stands from error" and that Islam can stand on its own merits as the "one true religion", while laboring endlessly to squash all criticism and discussion of Islam. 

Insist that the laws in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan are unIslamic while trying to get them implemented in the west, India and other kafir societies. 

Insist that women achieve TRUE liberation through Islam! Never mind those pesky ideas about real equality with men in all areas of life, men and women are so different, and shari'ah "realistically" acknowledges these differences, unlike those evil man-made law systems that suggest otherwise! 

Insist how "liberating" it is for women to wear a piece of cloth on their heads. 

Insist that Jihad has nothing to do with violence. It’s simply struggling with pen, tongue etc. at the same time looking for atomic bomb to use in Kafir countries.  

Insist that most of the scientific inventions were foretold in Quran but  no one ever  invented anything out of Quran. 

Insist that Muslims should enjoy all human rights and make infinite number of mosques in western countries but ban Kafirs from Mecca and Medina. Preaching of any other religion is not allowed in any Islamic country . 

Insist that women in Islam are privileged in an unparalleled manner and their equality with men have never been achieved in history like it was done in Islam, yet use every trick in the book to show that they lack the wisdom and fair judgment of men and consequently, men must reserve the right to BEAT them if they go astray, of course as a "last resort". 

Insist that Islam is against slavery and then demonstrate how humanely Muhammad treated HIS SLAVES as proof of it. 

Insist that Islam "Is a complete way of life", not just a religion. But when others criticize things like the burka and honor killings, say that it's the fault of "culture", not Islam. 

Insist that the Quran is the word of god, is protected against corruption, and is unchanged since Muhammad's death, despite the existence of multiple versions and histories attesting to changes that were made

Insist in demanding for more rights and perks from kafirs in kafir countries via freedom of religion, while condoning the killing of the kafirs in Islamic countries and preventing them from following their religion. 

Insist that Islam liberated women when no Islamic society treats  them nicely. 

Insist that Islam will one day dominate the world when Muslim countries are sinking deeper in poverty and soon will face massive starvation. 

Insist that Muhammad was a perfect role model and a Mercy of God among men and hide the fact that he lied, raped, tortured, killed, robbed and was a pedophile

Insist that Qur'an cannot be translated into any other tongue except Arabic, the language of God, when those who say this themselves do not know how to speak Arabic" 

Insist that Islam is a "way of life." but never mind that this "way of life" is the way of life of a bunch of savage desert dwellers of the 7th century. 

Insist to subject oneself in full surrender to Allah. Pray five times a day, fast for one month (sleep during day and feasts at night), read the Qur'an every day, expend years learning the "arts" of defecating, copulating and cleanliness and other useless rituals and dream of conquering the infidels and taking their money to compensate the consequences of one's laziness and unproductiveness. 

Insist that terrorist attacks in the name of Islam are not perpetrated by Muslims, but the countries who are the victims of the terrorist attacks deserve it because of their foreign policy towards Islamic countries. 

Insist on the evils of the Western culture and the virtues of Islam but at the same time do everything possible to immigrate to the West in order to escape oppression of the Islamic countries. 

Insist that Muslims are persecuted in Israel, India, Philippines, Thailand, etc but continue expanding Islamic terrorism around the world 

Insist that Islam is a logical religion and everyone with pure motives will become a Muslim while forgetting that their own ancestors were forced to accept Islam and many were killed for resisting 

Insist that only Islam (Quran and Sahih Hadiths) is the Absolute Truth and that every other religious book is corrupted and unreliable, but at the same time try to 'prove' Islam by referring to the same "corrupted" sources that they decry. 

Insist that some of the Sahih ('reliable') Hadiths are actually not reliable at all but at the same time not recognizing the problems this poses for the claim that Sharia is the only valid legal system, as the Sharia laws are based for a big part on those Sahih Hadith collections. 

Insist that Islam has no superstitions while there are prescribed prayers and rituals to combat black magic, witchcraft, sorcery, evil eyes, stone throwing jinns etc 

Insist that kissing a black stone, walking several times around the kaba, throwing stones at a pillar and using prayer-beads has nothing to do with superstition. 

Insist that homosexuality is illegal in Islam and execute the homosexuals but Insist pedophilia i.e. sex with boys is not homosexuality, practice it and hope to have "pearly boys" in Allah's paradise.  

Jihad against the infidels...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

If you're as sick as I am about western muslims extolling the "peaceful" nature of their "religion", then this details the Islamic doctrines calling for offensive jihad against unbelievers in order to spread the hegemony of Islam, and now new confirmation of this doctrine has come from a Muslim site. The Islamic Q&A Online run by the South African Mufti Ebrahim Desai fields a question from Canada:

I have a question about offensive Jihad. Does it mean that we are to attack even those non-Muslims which don't do anything against Islam just because we have to propagate Islam?

I have been reading Tafsir e Usmani for the last month or so. In it I have read that offensive Jihad (first attack) should be done by Muslims for 2 reasons. 1) For the sake of Allah (in the Way of God) 2) For the sake of subjugated people under oppression like in Kashmir, Palestine etc. Now the second reason I completely understand. But the explanation given of the first reason is "For the sake of Allah includes the propagation of Islam, the survival of Islam, the extermination of those hindrances which impede the progress and expansion of Islam." (explanation of verse 190, Surah baqara) [that's Sura 2].

I really don't understand this explanation. What does propagation of Islam mean here? Does it mean that we are to attack even those non-Muslims which don't do anything against Islam just because we have to propagate Islam? For example, there are many countries in the world which are not enemies of Islam in any way (at least I think so). Please explain to me against which Non-Muslims, the Muslims have to do Jihad and against which, Jihad is not allowed. JazakAllah Khair.

Answer 12128 2004-07-13:

You should understand that we as Muslims firmly believe that the person who doesn't believe in Allah as he is required to, is a disbeliever who would be doomed to Hell eternally. Thus one of the primary responsibilities of the Muslim ruler is to spread Islam throughout the world, thus saving people from eternal damnation.

Thus what is meant by the passage in Tafsir Uthmani, is that if a country doesn't allow the propagation of Islam to its inhabitants in a suitable manner or creates hindrances to this, then the Muslim ruler would be justifying in waging Jihad against this country, so that the message of Islam can reach its inhabitants, thus saving them from the Fire of Jahannum. If the Kuffaar allow us to spread Islam peacefully, then we would not wage Jihad against them.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

BBC Interviews "Dr" Yusef al-Qaradawi - another islamic monster...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

al-Qaradawi was recently alowed into Britain to preach his hatred. He is described as a "moderate" by many western muslims.

Does Islam justify suicide bombings in Israel?

Dr Yusef al-Qaradawi:

It is not suicide, it is martyrdom in the name of God Islamic theologians and jurisprudents have debated this issue, referring to it as a form of Jihad under the title of 'jeopardising the life of the mujaheed' (fighter). It is allowed to jeopardise your soul and cross the path of the enemy and be killed, if this act of jeopardy affects the enemy, even if it only generates fear in their hearts, shaking their morale, making them fear Muslims. If it does not effect the enemy then it is not allowed.

What about innocent women and children who are the victims?

Dr al-Qaradawi:

Israeli women are not like women in our society because Israeli women are militarised. Secondly I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an indication of the justice of Allah Almighty. Allah is just - through his infinite wisdom he has given the weak what the strong do not possess and that is the ability to turn their bodies into bombs like the Palestinians do.

Are suicide bombings justified in Iraq?

Dr al-Qaradawi:
If the Iraqis can confront the enemy, there's no need for these acts of martyrdom. If they don't have the means, acts of martyrdom are allowed. I didn't say that the Iraqis cannot - it depends on their need.

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